Seal of New York StateGreat Seal
of the State of New York

The current version of the State Seal was last modified in 1882 to depict New York State's commitment to liberty and justice, its enduring optimism and its faith in the strength of the human spirit.

The Seal is dominated by the figures of two goddesses. To the left is the Goddess of Liberty. Holding a pole, on which rests a Liberty Cap, she represents the right of people to live independently and free from oppression and tyranny. The Goddess on the right, blindfolded and holding the scales of justice, symbolizes the State's pledge of impartial, fair and equal treatment under the law for all its citizens. Together, these figures stand as a testament to the twin ideals of liberty and justice for all.

Above, an eagle rests atop a globe. Facing west, the eagle symbolizes opportunity and optimism and represents New York's unique position in the world as the economic and commercial bridge between the East and the West -- the old world and the new.

Below, the banner exclaims "Excelsior" -- the State motto representing our continuous search for excellence and belief in a strong, bright and ever better future.

Content from the NY State Budget Office web site
March 11, 2010